Wednesday, August 11, 2010

sleigh bells at rough trade east

best first london in-store: sleigh bells at rought trade east. shar's been griping about how there isn't much free music in london. lo and behold who was playing an in store at rough trade east. one fine duo from my "home" city, brooklyn. i'd missed them way back at a gig at santos and boy is shar kicking herself. alexis can get a crowd dancing, even the most too cool for school brits. alexis is a bolt of pure energy, like a karen o 2.0. no joke. the twosome played the bulk of their latest album "treats". my favs = "tell 'em" and "beach girls". here's a good gig they threw down at sxsw.

post-show: space invader in old truman brewery
puuurrteee in old truman brewery

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