most rewarding contest: jenny lewis spectacle. i was perusing jenny's my space and bam a contest to see her at the apollo for a taping of a new show by elvis costello. i made the cut by emailing quick enough. i was psyched to go to the apollo theater finally. i rubbed the stump as i walked in for luck a la amateur night. the place was not packed and we (mike was the lucky person who got the other ticket) were able to move up to the 7th row. we had a perfect view except when the camera guys were in the isles. added bonus:she & him. dang skippy! i really lucked out because not only was jenny lewis on the bill, but zooey and m.ward too. SCORE! there were a few cute jenny and zooey backing vocals action to synchronized swaying. it was uber good stuff. here was the set list as i could remember it: change is hard (she & him) pretty bird (jenny and elvis on guitar) one headlight (interview interlude by jakob dylan) war is kind (jakob with elvis on guitar) carpetbaggers (see photo above - elvis with jenny and zooey on backing vocals) straight to hell (joe strummer cover by elvis and jakob) what's so funny about peace, love and understanding (the gang: elvis, jakob, jenny, zooey, matt; plus johnathan rice on guitar, father-daughter drummers pete and tennessee thomas) star sighting of the night: diana krall (#11). i looked at her straight on when i was leaving my seat. i was like whoa mrs. elvis one seemed to notice her, but what caught my attention was her pinstriped blazer with crest on breast pocket.
Elvis Costello also performed Go Away with Jenny Lewis.
thanks i couldn't remember that one track. hope you enjoyed the show as much as i did.
thanks for the account!!!
you're welcome!
A unique gig in a historic venue. Nice job snagging those tix.
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