fltgc: marion peck @ sloan
must non-scary clown art: marion peck's "ladies & clowns" at sloan fine art. we got mixed up and went to gallery 128 because it has the same addy as sloan. sloan had a little mishap so was closed for 5 minutes before we were able to enter. one of the gallerist sliced herself with an x-acto. ouch, right? she seemed lucid and chipper waiting for a friend to take her to the hospital to get patched up. jac, laura and i ended up passing time getting cupcakes at sugar sweet sunshine. jac and i had ooey gooeies.
shar hasn't been okay with clowns for quite some time. i think it's because of it. marion's clowns are sad and for some reason don't seem as threatening to me. i especially love the portrait to the right. it's like jane austen giving you the bird. cute and cynical. reminds me of nara.
jac told me that marion is married to fellow artist mark ryden. there is definitely similiarites in composition. that's a lot of good art for a couple, but you know what other couple makes great art? this power art duo.
oh man we love you. best. plug. ever.
guess what? i am interviewing Marion tomorrow morning! eek! and your post came up in my research and how neat that it was this one with a shout out. fate! xo SHAR
so awesome!!!
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