Monday, July 27, 2009

breath of monday morning fresh air: zee avi

best monday morning pick-up: zee avi. shar had the unpleasant morning encounter with a old homeless dude "walking the dog" on a subway bench. thanks joe for pointing that out to me. just what i needed before 8am sans coffee.

zee avi's tunes was the perfect remedy to cheer me up in a jiffy. also, really digging the new ability to embed the npr player. weeeeee! sharing tunes has become much easier.

zee avi is opening for pete yorn at webster hall tomorrow and wednesday. it's too rich for shar's pocketbook. if you happen to go, let me know how she is.


Angelina said...

She's fantastic! I need to go download some of her music!

Andy Joe said...

I caught this story over the weekend... her songs seem super charming. (I hope you appreciate the lack of any SPCA volunteer/dog walking jokes in this comment.)

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