Monday, March 7, 2011

mynabirds at mercury lounge

must country motown goodness: mynabirds at mercury lounge. shar discovered ms. laura burhenn and gang on a tiny desk concert on npr. there's also a good daytrotter sesh too.

the mynabirds rollicked in with "what we gained in the fire" followed by " wash it out". laura joked and said she'd be interested in selling the latter to tide. on "give it time" laura's tone on the opening is reminiscent of fiona apple and on "right place" i could hear a little bit of rachael yamagata. i was dancing come "numbers don't lie", my favorite track of their lp. purchased that puppy post concert. laura dedicated "good heart" to the crowd, saying she thought 96% of the peeps were good folks. she's an optimist. they finished with an encore that included "lemon tree" and "let the record go". good times were had!

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