best final european weekend for a while: venice. shar had the crazy plan to hit all the guggenhiems while in europe. did bilbao, berlin and venice was the last on the checklist. i had booked the trip a month or so in advance. then, t booked a ticket. mike and eric were visiting so they tacked on venice to their itinerary. new pal jonathon joined in too. it was a quick weekend, but a great time was had with amazing sites, great food and good company.
alexander calder's silver bed head for peggy guggenhiem sculpture gallery fun ring-a-ding DING
the gang at harry's bar, where the first bellini was concocted
OMG all your photos look amazing! Looks like it was a super fab weekend with friends!
:D I love this kind of photos on which you can see a bunch of friends together. These photos really have history.
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