Saturday, August 8, 2009


best day trip getaway: rockaways. kristen was home for a little on a stint from teaching in rome. i haven't seen her in months so it was a treat to hang out at the rockaways with her. we've been surfing buds for years - from linda mar, pacifica to costa rica. new pals heather and diego rent a summer house at the rockaways so it was home base before we hit the surf. unfortunately the swells were flat as a lake, so it was only a bunch of white water surfing. i was amazed i even got after a 3 year hiatus.

after a lot of lounging on the beach, we hit the boardwalk for heather's muay thai exhibition for crom.

don't mess with white chocolate. nuff said.

1 comment:

Angelina said...

fun! and your bikini is super cute!

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