Sunday, March 27, 2011

comedy of errors at bam

must hilarity: the comedy of errors at bam. caught the final performance of the propeller group's production of the shakespearean comedy. i'd never seen the all male acting troupe and boy was i in for a treat. rachel scored cushion seats. something i highly recommend. my second time with this advantage. first time was with great cate.

i hadn't ever read the comedy or seen it live. it has the same duplicity action as twelfth night and as you like it. it kicks it up a notch with not one but two pairs of twins. it's a fun play on gender with an all male troupe, very a la shakespearean days. propeller envelops the audience and seating up close and personal has it's advantages. sweets before the show and flying debris. this troupe is hard working - singing 4 part harmonies during the intermission to raise funds for save the children. bravo propeller! BRAVO!

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