- sangnam lee at pkm gallery
- kara walker's paper doll cut outs at sikkema jenkins & co.
- kim gordon at ks art. yes, that kim gordon of sonic youth.
- hernan bas at fredric snitzer gallery and victoria miro. matilda told me this kid is HOT in miami. he resembles gael gracia bernal she said and i think that's a stretch, but he still is the shit.

- christine hill at ronald feldman fine arts. i loved the presentation of these works within the armory apothecary.

best overheard art inside: richard heller talking about how he got his early dzama for $40 a piece. he said and I quote, "best deal i ever got." looks like his gallery has some great stuff, like pieces by devendra banhart, dan clowes, evah fan and mel kadel. i was originally draw to his booth because of masahiko kuwahara's work. looks like dreamy art fit for a nursery.

choice celeb sighting: glenn close (#14). she was at the modern wing of the armory show at pier 92 speaking the rep at maxwell davidson. she was fresh faced with no make-up, but still looked great.
1 comment:
sue and i ended up sitting down for at least 30 min, and thoroughly enjoyed the fashion show of people watching! lots of good stuff, one questionable jumpsuit, and tons of cute bags. :)
i'm sad i missed dzama! but my faves were the kara walkers too!
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